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I Am Not My Career: 5 Ways to Claim and Manage Your Professional Brand

I Am Not My Career: 5 Ways to Claim and Manage Your Professional Brand
Have you ever introduced yourself at an event first by your name, then your company’s name and finally your job title? You proceed to talk about “the company” and all it attributes. Every now and then you throw something in about the tasks you perform. You have taken on the role of the company’s spokesperson while being completely devoid of your professional brand. Sound familiar? Professional Branding is all about career identity and reputation. You get to curate and self-package certain skills, career accomplishment and achievements that validate your expertise and return on investment (ROI) for your audience. Here are 5 ways to claim and manage your professional brand: Claim your profession- the occupation where you have formal or prolonged training is your profession. Identify the classification and use the profession as an introduction of who you are then add the roles you have held under this profession

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