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When It’s Time to Leave an Unfulfilling Relationship

Do you remember, in the beginning of your relationship, how you loved being together, how your eyes would light up at the thought of the new activities and adventures you would have, how you would say “thank you” when people said the two of you do so well together, and how you felt so complete and purposeful? Good, you remember, because I’m talking about your job! If you are no longer feeling the joy and satisfaction of being together, then it is time to break up! Here are some tips to check if it’s over between you and your employer: It’s not you, it’s the profession. Professional environments often create silo mentalities when it comes to outside industry resources and tools. So that leaves you to function in your profession only with what is available to you via your organization. Just working within what you have

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Leveraging 2014 Top Personal Branding Trends

  For the past several years, William Arruda, personal brand guru and Founder of 360 Reach, has delivered his top personal branding trends for savvy professionals who want to be on brand point in their career endeavors. This list is good to help you assess your current brand and create a branding strategy that will help you achieve your branding goals. Ideally, putting them all into play could be good for your career; realistically, however, you may not be able to implement them all at once. A suggestion is to identify the top three trends for immediate implementation and create a personal branding goal strategy to help implement the other choices. Here are my top 3 picks for 2014: Mobile Business Cards: Sites like offer free to low-cost mobile apps that allow you to have a virtual business card. This saves from having to order business cards and

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Increase Your Digital Presence & Curate Content

  Let’s face it; social media has infiltrated our professional lives at warp speed. To top it off, professional networking sites like LinkedIn almost insist that we use our profile site as a primary branding tool to attract and grow rich networks. Here are some tips to help you increase your digital presence and curate content that will broaden your audience reach and strengthen your online networks: Engage with your Network. Don’t be a sideline watcher. Share, comment, and post on relevant information that is in alignment with your expertise. Add value by sharing your expertise via group discussions or start a discussion topic. In this way, people get to experience you in a way that extends beyond your static profile. Manage your online reputation. What are you known for within your professional circle? Are you a thought leader, a subject matter expert, or a rock star? Whichever

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I Am Not My Career: 5 Ways to Claim and Manage Your Professional Brand

I Am Not My Career: 5 Ways to Claim and Manage Your Professional Brand
Have you ever introduced yourself at an event first by your name, then your company’s name and finally your job title? You proceed to talk about “the company” and all it attributes. Every now and then you throw something in about the tasks you perform. You have taken on the role of the company’s spokesperson while being completely devoid of your professional brand. Sound familiar? Professional Branding is all about career identity and reputation. You get to curate and self-package certain skills, career accomplishment and achievements that validate your expertise and return on investment (ROI) for your audience. Here are 5 ways to claim and manage your professional brand: Claim your profession- the occupation where you have formal or prolonged training is your profession. Identify the classification and use the profession as an introduction of who you are then add the roles you have held under this profession

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Superstar Career Management- Lessons Learned from Madonna

Superstar Career Management- Lessons Learned from Madonna
If you saw Madonna’s last Super Bowl performance then you understand why she is the queen of pop music. Her career has spanned generations and she continues to be innovative and stay on top of her game. As a professional person, you have to think of ways to stay on top of your game and continue to excel throughout your career. Let’s talk about a few career management tips you can use to be a rock star at work and continue to strengthen your professional reputation. Adapt to the Times but Remain True to Who You Are Everyone knows who Madonna is; she hasn’t changed her core message or brand. Everyone knows what Madonna stands for but somehow she still remains relevant even though she has not released an album in several years. Consider ways that you can remain relevant. This may mean taking a few classes

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