
Welcome to On The Move Careers!

Increase Your Digital Presence & Curate Content

  Let’s face it; social media has infiltrated our professional lives at warp speed. To top it off, professional networking sites like LinkedIn almost insist that we use our profile site as a primary branding tool to attract and grow rich networks. Here are some tips to help you increase your digital presence and curate content that will broaden your audience reach and strengthen your online networks: Engage with your Network. Don’t be a sideline watcher. Share, comment, and post on relevant information that is in alignment with your expertise. Add value by sharing your expertise via group discussions or start a discussion topic. In this way, people get to experience you in a way that extends beyond your static profile. Manage your online reputation. What are you known for within your professional circle? Are you a thought leader, a subject matter expert, or a rock star? Whichever

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