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I Can’t Get No Job Satisfaction – Horrible Bosses

I Can’t Get No Job Satisfaction – Horrible Bosses
The 2011 film Horrible Bosses featuring Jennifer Aniston, Collin Farrell, Kevin Spacy, and Jamie Foxx very humorously discusses a serious topic that plagues a lot of working people today. You might very well love your job but despise your boss. Now it is not wise to plot against your horrible bosses and attempt to kill them like the main characters in the movie but you have to ask yourself if it is worth it. Is your company working for you when you have to deal with that horrible boss every day? This article is more about discussing the question that was posed above more so than anything else. What are you giving up by staying with a company and remaining in a department with a supervisor that is sucking the life out of the very thing you love? It can be scary to even consider leaving a job you have

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How to Choose a Recruiter

How to Choose a Recruiter
Hiring a recruiter is definitely something that can be advantageous if you are currently job hunting. If you are a mid-level career professional, a recruiter might be of particular interest to you to help you navigate the way we currently do job hunting and networking. Imagine that finding a new job is like navigating a ship and a good recruiter is your loyal first mate that can help you make the best decisions and lead you to your buried treasure or in your case a new job!   There are questions you should be asking yourself and asking your recruiter when trying to find the perfect recruiter. Does the recruiter get you or understand your needs? I am sure you have had that feeling when you just connect with someone and they understand who are. Usually these people can intuitively understand what you need or they have thoroughly prepared what

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